TRANSFORVISION: The world's number one Augmented Reality technology for small businesses.

CORE BENEFITS we offer to individuals and companies engaged in:

  • Furniture manufacturing and sales Clothing
  • POD (print-on-demand)
  • Packaging
  • Material production


Expand your customer reach effortlessly with a unique approach—10 times faster and 100 times more cost-effective

In the past, companies would design and launch new products with little insight into how the market would receive them. Testing new products often required the development of expensive high-quality prototypes. If these prototypes failed to resonate with the market, companies faced the daunting task of starting over, incurring additional costs and time.

With Michio, this challenge becomes a thing of the past. Michio empowers you to be a market visionary by enabling you to sell your products before their physical production. No longer must you invest in costly prototypes to gauge market acceptance. Instead, Michio allows you to promote virtual images and links, created by us, to observe audience reactions through reviews or even secure pre-sales online.

Imagine having a brilliant idea for a new product but unsure of the next steps. Michio comes to your aid with just a rough sketch illustrating the core concept of your product model. Leveraging our revolutionary AI research system, we transform this sketch into magnificent visuals, presenting a virtual model of your product idea.

In traditional brick-and-mortar businesses, customers physically enter stores to explore and interact with products before making purchasing decisions. When customers choose to buy a product, it reflects a level of trust in the brand, potentially leading to repeat sales and broader brand recognition. Establishing strong relationships with customers is essential for building confidence in your brand. However, translating this confidence to online shoppers poses a challenge.

Augmented Reality (AR) emerges as a solution by providing online shoppers with an experience akin to trying out products in a physical store, albeit virtually. The virtual setup offers the convenience of shopping from the comfort of one’s home or any location with internet coverage.

According to NielsenIQ, 56% of shoppers express that AR enhances their confidence in the quality of a product. In comparison to conventional online shopping, these virtual experiences facilitate risk-free purchasing decisions through the “try-before-you-buy” feature. In traditional eCommerce, customers typically have to purchase and use a physical item before determining its suitability, and obtaining a refund for returned products is not always guaranteed. AR allows users to virtually try out products, providing an experience closely resembling the actual in-store experience.

Augmented Reality (AR) has evolved significantly from its origins as a science-fiction concept in Frank L. Baum’s 1901 novel. Once considered prohibitively expensive, designers could only dream of working on AR projects until recent times. Today, AR has found widespread application in various domains, notably in gaming and commercial settings such as virtual showrooms for products.

A key driver behind the success of AR is its novelty. While millennials are currently at the forefront of AR adoption, this technology has permeated nearly every aspect of life. Whether embraced or not, individuals will inevitably encounter AR in their daily routines, particularly within the realm of shopping. Consequently, businesses should leverage AR to attract traffic to their websites and garner attention for their brands. Michio takes pride in being your partner in embracing and navigating this relatively new technology.

In the realm of brick-and-mortar stores, the duration of customer dwell time holds paramount importance for fostering engagement. The more time customers spend within the store, the greater the likelihood that they will make additional purchases. This is where Augmented Reality (AR) emerges as a particularly effective tool. AR proves invaluable in captivating customers and extending their stay within the virtual store.

Immersive AR displays captivate customers with their vibrant graphics, serving as a powerful medium to convey your message effectively. Similarly, an AR catalog provides comprehensive information about all your products, eliminating the need for customers to invest time and effort in physically exploring each item. Browsing through the virtual catalog delivers an unparalleled experience, ultimately encouraging customers to make purchases.

It’s not an overstatement to suggest that Augmented Reality (AR) is rapidly becoming the primary method for conversion. Companies neglecting the potential of AR in their marketing strategies run the risk of falling behind, as an increasing number of businesses are integrating AR into their operations.

The advantages of AR marketing are evident in heightened customer engagement experienced by most companies. AR fosters a more profound interaction with customers compared to traditional commercials. Research indicates that 360° advertisements boast an impressive 85% completion rate, outperforming 2D advertisements, which only achieve a 38% completion rate. Michio is poised to assist your business in achieving elevated online traffic, engagement, and ultimately, an enhanced conversion rate.

Augmented Reality provides an impeccable customer buying experience by delivering comprehensive and detailed information about products. While customers may obtain detailed information about products in a physical store, the immediacy of direct answers from a salesperson might be lacking. With AR, customers can access all the necessary information directly from their mobile phones and other online devices.

Furthermore, customers prefer the convenience of accessing multiple product reviews from fellow consumers at their fingertips, a feature often considered more valuable than suggestions from a salesperson at a physical store. Additionally, they appreciate the swift actions enabled by scrolling and tapping through various possibilities within the AR environment on their mobile devices. For example, customers can easily experiment with preferences such as color and size to make quick purchasing decisions.

Michio possesses the expertise to integrate AR into your virtual store, allowing your audience to access detailed and real-time information about all your products. This approach significantly increases the likelihood of attracting more customers to your e-commerce store.

The prevalence of online shopping continues to soar globally, with a notable surge in developing nations complementing the established practice in developed countries. Consequently, the e-commerce landscape is expanding rapidly, akin to the proliferation of mushrooms after rainfall. However, a significant challenge faced by online retailers, regardless of location, is the issue of high return rates.

According to research by Mintel, 49% of UK online shoppers returned items purchased in the past year, and this figure rose to 60% among consumers aged 16-34. A comprehensive 2019 report by UPS, surveying 18,000 global online shoppers, identified the primary reasons for returns. The findings revealed that 30% of returns were due to faulty or damaged products, closely followed by 27% of consumers who returned goods because they were “not as described.”

AR technology emerges as a potential solution to mitigate high return rates. Offering an immersive 3D visualization experience almost indistinguishable from the real world, AR allows consumers to virtually try out products before making purchase decisions. This capability has the potential to significantly reduce return rates, providing a valuable tool for online retailers in addressing this prevalent challenge.

Much like Augmented Reality (AR), social media has become a pervasive force worldwide. It seems that nearly everything originates from social media, with individuals consistently engaged on these platforms, often late into the night. Social media’s evolution began with the sharing of text messages and photos, progressing to videos and eventually incorporating AR.

AR, as a newer trend with comparable popularity, forms a compelling synergy with social media, particularly in the realms of sales promotion and brand awareness for younger generations. Michio plays a crucial role in assisting social media marketers by providing AR-based assets, including product images from various angles, 360° AR visualization links, and social media image content integrated with your messages. With this comprehensive setup, your business is well-equipped to thrive on the bustling social media platforms and extend its influence globally.

Traditional brick-and-mortar sales venues often grapple with the challenge of limited physical space, making it impractical to showcase every available item. Michio’s interactive product configurator offers a solution by extending your product lineup into the virtual realm, and we’re excited to provide this service, valued at hundreds of thousands of dollars, to you for FREE!

Our 3D product configurator provides a user-friendly, interactive platform for instantly displaying customizations to your products. Users can modify colors, materials, and finishes on 3D models of your items, allowing them to visualize personalized variations.

In your showroom, this innovation enables the virtual display of every conceivable variant for each item in your catalog. Simply place a tablet next to your demo unit, and customers or sales representatives can effortlessly explore different options. Whether it’s envisioning your black oak chair in varnished ash, the desired color and material can be applied to a 3D model via the product configurator.

This “endless aisle” solution not only empowers buyers to explore all available options but also facilitates your staff in presenting choices in the most convenient manner. Michio’s sophisticated system allows you to implement this solution in your showroom or any physical space for FREE.

Enhance the appeal for your B2B clients by providing them with professionally crafted, ready-made photos for your products! Michio is here to assist you in creating unique 3D product images tailored to your specifications. Best of all, you can access these assets for FREE with a membership at Michio, leading to substantial cost reductions for both you and your clients!

Navigating the complexities of securing a deal with a retailer often involves addressing concerns about setting up products in their store. Retailers seek assurance of potential sales before committing to a contract with you. Offering them pre-made product images streamlines this process.

The fact that Michio can generate these images at no cost further minimizes the financial burden on your B2B clients when promoting and selling your products. Michio members, enjoying high-quality 3D product photos without any expenses, can provide retailers with these assets at an exceptionally low cost. Additionally, we can export these models into formats optimized for seamless integration with your retailers’ platforms.

Streamlining your B2B transactions enhances convenience and allows you to expand your network of retailers, significantly boosting your earning potential!

The IHL Group estimates that the retail industry experiences an annual loss of approximately $1 TRILLION in sales due to stock-outs. Michio empowers you to construct an endless aisle that not only retains customers but also leads to higher conversion rates. By embracing Michio, you not only shield yourself from significant financial losses but also spare thousands of dollars in development costs, as Michio offers all these benefits for FREE!

When customers discover that the desired item is not physically in stock, it often deters them from making a purchase. The “Endless Aisle” concept, presenting customers with an extensive catalog of in-stock, out-of-stock, and variant-available products, effectively mitigates this negative impact.

Michio’s robust solutions generate 3D and 360-degree product view images for every item in your catalog. Our product configurator enables users to customize color, material, and finish for each product. Paired with our user-friendly design platform, we can produce a myriad of high-quality product photos for implementation in your endless aisle.

Thanks to the remarkable efficiency of our technologies, we can significantly reduce the time and costs associated with building your endless aisle. In fact, with a Michio membership, you can create all the visualizations you need for your endless aisle absolutely FREE.

Broaden your customer base, tap into numerous untapped markets via an extensive distributor network, witness a staggering 1000% increase in sales conversions, and establish a consistent presence in your customers’ social media feeds with our potent marketing solutions. By acquiring a Michio membership, you gain access to all the essential tools to elevate your business from a mere store to a thriving E-COMMERCE EMPIRE—all at no cost!

Numerous entrepreneurs aspire to elevate their businesses to international brand status.

MichioVisualization offers unique services that enable you to realize this goal at considerably lower costs and in a fraction of the time! Our solutions support your company in conducting market research to identify the most lucrative target countries, creating campaigns that resonate with international markets, establishing connections with foreign partners and distributors, and providing you with the capability to handle customer service situations effortlessly—in any language!